Delicacies of Slovenian Farms
We visited the 35th edition of the festival Dobrote slovenskih kmetij [Delicacies of Slovenian Farms] hosted at Minorite monastery in Ptuj. The festival is organized by the Institute of agriculture and forestry Ptuj, other regional institutes and Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (KGZS) as well as municipality of Ptuj. Each year agricultural advisors invite farmers to send their products, followed by expert assessment of quality and finally put the products on display inside the monastery. The exhibition that lasts the whole weekend (17.-19. 5. 2024) is part of the more extensive programme: from award ceremonies for best products in each of 16 groups, professional meetings and cultural programme. The jewel of the exhibition are baked goods, from all sorts of bread to potica, donuts and biscuits. In the past decade, the number of submission in this category plummeted. There are many reasons for that, one of them being the changing structure of submissions that are nowadays predominantly products that can be sold in the market while before they were skillfully made delicacies for private consumption.