Secondment at Xi’an Jiatong Liverpool University in Suzhou, China

Secondment at Xi’an Jiatong Liverpool University in Suzhou, China

The team of researchers from ZRC SAZU lead by Martina Bofulin has carried out a month-long research secondment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China. The secondments were part of the PoPMeD-SuSDeV project funded by HE Marie Curie Staff Exchange Program. This collaboration provided a vibrant environment to explore and engage in scientific exchange and knowledge sharing, especially since one of the host of the secondments was Prof. Emily Williams, whose research focuses on the material heritage of the Cultural Revolution in China. During their stay, they have also conducted an exploratory research into the experiences and the wellbeing of the Slovenians living in China’s cities. More about the secondments: