The 4th Slovene Dialectology Conference (CDC 4)
Tjaša Jakop participated in the 4th Slovene Dialectology Conference (Sln. 4. Slovenski dialektološki posvet), which was held as part of Ramovš Week (Sln. Ramovšev teden) on Thursday and Friday, September 22-23, 2022, in the Prešeren Hall of SAZU (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) at Novi trg 4 in Ljubljana. The conference presented the work of Fran Ramovš in the field of Slovene dialectology, the latest dialectological research on the Slovene language (accentology, morphology, vocabulary, phraseology, geolinguistics), the results of modern Slavic dialectology and comparative linguistics, as well as linguistic-historical and etymological research. More than 30 speakers from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus and Russia participated. Tjaša Jakop participated with a presentation entitled Morphological Features of Selected Styrian Dialects (Sln. Oblikoslovne posebnosti izbranih štajerskih govorov).