Thinking about the heritage of migration: The 32nd AEMI Conference
The 32nd AEMI Conference was hosted by the Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades (Museum of Migration and Communities) in Fafe, Portugal. The topic of the conference Refuge and Hosting – Paths towards Inclusion brought to the fore discussions on forced migration and displacement that have had a strong impact on migration since the 19thcentury and is imprinted in numerous aspects of contemporary Europe. Migrations, we could say, are the very essence of European heritage. Apart from historical aspects of migration, papers discussed also contemporary issues of Ukrainian and Afghanistan refugees, the role of museums and topics related to consequences of climate change and struggles for mineral resources that are driving millions of people to flee their homes every year. Two members of the program Heritage on the Margins presented their papers at the conference. Martina Bofulin talked about the entanglements of mobility and difficult heritage in the North of China and Nataša Rogelja Caf presented a paper on complicated (hi)story of migration and fishing along the nowadays Slovene coast.