Workshop “Global China from the ground up”, Ljubljana, June 8, 2023
Given the triple winds of geopolitical tension, authoritarian retrenchment and pandemic management divergences between China and the rest of the world, it has however become more difficult to accurately study and understand how Chinese state-owned and private multinationals manage their relatively new forms of investments in the form of sprawling networks of subsidiaries, acquisitions, joint ventures and contracted sites around the globe. To study the complex assemblage that makes up China’s new globalized state capitalism around the world, Martina Bofulin from ZRC SAZU and Igor Rogelja from UCL organized one-day intensive workshop that included cases from Europe and beyond looking at Interplay between local institutions and Chinese firms exploring how host state and societal actors, alongside Chinese firms, navigate the challenges of embedding Chinese state capital into local contexts. The workshop was generously funded by Cost Action CHERN (China in Europe network).