17th Parallels between Slovenian and Croatian Ethnology

17th Parallels between Slovenian and Croatian Ethnology

The 17th Parallels between Slovenian and Croatian Ethnology, a biennale conference organised by the Slovene Ethnological Society, the Croatian Ethnological Society, and the Posavje Museum Brežice on 3 and 4 October 2024 in Brežice, were dedicated to the traces of cross-border mobility. Thirty speakers spoke about the traces of past cross-border mobilities, their objecthood and virtuality, as well as the traces of the mobility of non-human beings. Nataša Rogelja Caf, together with Jure Gombač, presented a paper titled Writing and Walking as Methods of Researching Border Regions: The Case of the Balkan Migrant Route and Špela Ledinek Lozej presented a paper titled Cross-border Heritage Initiatives in the Northern Slovenian-Italian Region. The detailed program with summaries can be found here.