Author: Špela Ledinek Lozej

Project E

The project E is a project that wants Europe. An Europe that already exists and which, at the same time, still needs to be built: an Europe that’s more united, so united that it can go beyond the concept of nation, a more open Europe, so open that it can go beyond the concept of…
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29. 06. 2024 0

7th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies Custodianship

The 7th biennial conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) took place in Galway, Ireland, from June 3-6, 2024, under the theme Custodianship. The organisers and invited speakers demonstrated a diverse understanding, approach and presentation of heritage (for example, instead of a keynote speaker, a stand-up performance and a presentation of stop-motion animations…
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17. 06. 2024 0

Communal cheesemaking in the Julian Alps

On 11 May 2024, Špela Ledinek Lozej gave a lecture on communal cheesemaking in the Eastern Julian Alps as part of the exhibition Latte – Milk – Milk, dedicated to the communal dairies in the Alps. The event was organised by the Ecomuseum of Gemona (Ecomuseo delle Aque del Gemonese) at the Friulian Ethnographic Museum…
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13. 05. 2024 0

Mediterranean Diet: between Health, Heritage, and Sustainability

Food and foodways are, as found out by many authors (see, for example, Brulotte and Di Giovine 2014; Ledinek Lozej and Šrimpf Vendramin 2020), often affording to heritagization due to identifying and connecting role of food and dishes in communities and their affecting potential. Therefore, I have dedicated my secondment at the University Ramon Llull…
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04. 03. 2024 0

Reading mountains – Brati gore Leggere le montagne – Lire les montagnes – Berge lesen

Since 2015, the Alpine Convention, in cooperation with various partners, has been celebrating International Mountain Day on 11 December with the Reading Mountains Festival festival. On 7th december ZRC SAZU participated at the festival in Kobarid, where, together with the Posočje Developmnet Agency (Slov. Posoški razvojni center) and the Ecomuseum of Gemona, it co-organised the…
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12. 12. 2023 0

Research secondments at Ramon LLull University in Barcelona

In the framework of the project “PoPMeD-SuSDeV – Population Medicine and Sustainable Development”, co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of the Horizon Europe programme, three Heriscope collaborators, Martina Bofulin (project leader for ZRC SAZU), Špela Ledinek Lozej and Nataša Rogelja Caf, carried out research secondment at the Ramon Llull University (Barcelona, Spain). The project,…
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11. 12. 2023 0

Sow the Future, Harvest Communities: 20th Anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

With the motto “Sow the Future, Harvest Communities” (ital. Seminare futuro, raccogliere comunità) the Archive of Ethnography and Social History (ital. Archivio di Etnografia e Storia Sociale) of the Lombardy Region celebrated the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage on November 9, 2023. The morning session featured…
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14. 11. 2023 0

Mohant, Trnič and Tolminc Cheese: a heritage of alpine cheese-making?

One wild man got drunk so they could tie him up. He asked them to let him go and to tell them what could be made from the milk. He showed them how to make cheese, cottage cheese and butter. Then they let him go. When they let him go, he told them that if…
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04. 08. 2023 0

Photo exhibition of France Stele in Trenta

Until the end of October, the Triglav National Park Information Center Dom Trenta will host a photo exhibition by France Stele about the mountain pastures of the village of Ukve/Ugovizza. The photographs, taken on black and white film, show images of a past life when the inhabitants of Ukve/Ugovizza used to move with their cattle…
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21. 07. 2023 0

Conference Migration and Social Transformation in Comparative Perspective after World War II

On Wednesday, May 24, 2023, the Slovenian Migration Institute at ZRC SAZU together with collaborating institutions organized a scientific conference Migration and Social Transformation in Comparative Perspective after World War II in the Xcenter in Nova Gorica.  At the conference organized in the framework of the eponymous project, in addition to the plenary presentation by…
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05. 06. 2023 0