Month: May 2024

52nd Congress of the International Ballad Conference

52nd congress of the Interntional Ballad Conference took place from May 13 to May 17, 2024. The congress, organized by the Kommission für Volksdichtung was held in the medieval town of Vitré in Upper Brittany, France. The French Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Maison des Cultures du Monde-Centre français du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel), and the…
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28. 05. 2024 0

Secondment at Xi’an Jiatong Liverpool University in Suzhou, China

The team of researchers from ZRC SAZU lead by Martina Bofulin has carried out a month-long research secondment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China. The secondments were part of the PoPMeD-SuSDeV project funded by HE Marie Curie Staff Exchange Program. This collaboration provided a vibrant environment to explore and engage in scientific exchange…
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23. 05. 2024 0

Delicacies of Slovenian Farms

We visited the 35th edition of the festival Dobrote slovenskih kmetij [Delicacies of Slovenian Farms] hosted at Minorite monastery in Ptuj. The festival is organized by the Institute of agriculture and forestry Ptuj, other regional institutes and Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (KGZS) as well as municipality of Ptuj. Each year agricultural advisors…
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22. 05. 2024 0

Counter-archive: Reflections on the (Non)possibility of Migrant Heritage

The following text is an attempt to reflect on counter-archive[1] as a tool to resist, or depart from structures of power and authority – in this case, the EU militarized border regimes and their epistemological implications for migrant heritage. Although our reflections build on the specific ethnographic work related to the Balkan migrant route, the…
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21. 05. 2024 0

Communal cheesemaking in the Julian Alps

On 11 May 2024, Špela Ledinek Lozej gave a lecture on communal cheesemaking in the Eastern Julian Alps as part of the exhibition Latte – Milk – Milk, dedicated to the communal dairies in the Alps. The event was organised by the Ecomuseum of Gemona (Ecomuseo delle Aque del Gemonese) at the Friulian Ethnographic Museum…
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13. 05. 2024 0