Celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Poljubinj Dairy Association

Celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Poljubinj Dairy Association

On November 15, 1874, eleven farmers from Poljubinj joined forces and founded the first dairy cooperative in present-day Slovenia. 150 years after the founding of the Poljubinj Dairy Cooperative, the local community will celebrate with a series of lectures in Poljubinj, Ljubinj and Zatolmin. The opening lecture was held in Tolmin in cooperation with the Tolmin Museum and the ZRC SAZU Research Station in Nova Gorica as part of the FrikaFest. Dragan Božič presented many new newspaper and pictorial sources that will complement the previous findings on the history of cheese making in the Tolmin region, while Špela Ledinek Lozej outlined the present-day remains of communal cheese making and showed the ethnographic film Mleko, kafe in sir (Milk, Coffee and Cheese), which documents the communal processing of milk on the Lom mountain pasture.

Excerpt from the film Mleko, kafe in sir (Milk, Coffee and Cheese)