Tin Can Stories

Tin Can Stories

Založba ZRC has published the book titled Zgodbe iz konzerve. Zgodovine predelave in konzerviranja rib na severovzhodnem Jadranu [Tin Can Stories. Histories of Processing and Conservation of Fish in the Northeastern Adriatic]. The publication, fresh in form and content, albeit soaked with the smell of fish, is a result of multiple international and national-level projects and programmes, among them also the Heritage on the Margins programme group. The book is edited by dr. Iva Kosmos, dr. Tanja Petrović, and dr. Martin Pogačar. Special acknowledgment goes to Tanja Radež who wittily and brightly conserved the materials in a pleasing book format. One of the 14 contributing authors is also Heritage on the Margins’ dr. Nataša Rogelja Caf. Together with dr. Alenka Janko Spreizer she co-authored the chapter Back to the Future: sprehod med ostanki ribiške industrije v Izoli [Back to the Future: A Walk among the Remnants of Izola’s Fishing Industry].