Author: Martina Bofulin

Launch of the new ARIS-funded project »Migrants’ emplacement at the micro-level: Restaurants as the contact zones«

On January 8, members of the new ARIS-funded project »Migrants’ emplacement at the micro-level: Restaurants as the contact zones« held their first meeting to discuss the aim and objectives of the project as well as the preliminary individual topics to be addressed within the project. The project aims to investigate migrants’ social emplacement at the micro-level…
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04. 02. 2025 0

Secondment at Xi’an Jiatong Liverpool University in Suzhou, China

The team of researchers from ZRC SAZU lead by Martina Bofulin has carried out a month-long research secondment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China. The secondments were part of the PoPMeD-SuSDeV project funded by HE Marie Curie Staff Exchange Program. This collaboration provided a vibrant environment to explore and engage in scientific exchange…
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23. 05. 2024 0

Fish as heritage: The case of mullet and farmed sea bass in the northeastern Adriatic

Fish is not just a fish. It can also be a means of assessing how heritage, as a particular type of imaginary, conveys social, cultural, political, and economic transformations. According to Salazar (2012), imaginaries are “socially transmitted representational assemblages that interact with people’s personal imaginings and are used as meaning-making and world-shaping devices”. In this…
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16. 02. 2024 0

Workshop “Global China from the ground up”, Ljubljana, June 8, 2023

Given the triple winds of geopolitical tension, authoritarian retrenchment and pandemic management divergences between China and the rest of the world, it has however become more difficult to accurately study and understand how Chinese state-owned and private multinationals manage their relatively new forms of investments in the form of sprawling networks of subsidiaries, acquisitions, joint…
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19. 01. 2024 0

1st ACHS CEE Chapter Conference “Heritage on the margins? Central and Eastern European Perspectives”

ZRC SAZU research program Heritage on the Margins together with the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences are organizing the 1st conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS)Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Chapter. The conference will be held on the 29th and 30th of November 2023 at ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana.  See the call and apply

02. 03. 2023 0

Lecture Unexpected landscapes: Contested histories and narratives by artist and researcher Leone Contini

On November 23rd 2022, the program group Heritage on the margins: new perspectives on heritage and identity within and beyond nationalorganized a lecture Unexpected landscapes: Contested histories and narratives by Italian artist and researcher Leone Contini. The lecture was organized as a part of his exhibition in the Match Gallery. Leone Contini, whose work focuses on the intersections of…
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29. 12. 2022 0

Thinking about the heritage of migration: The 32nd AEMI Conference 

The 32nd AEMI Conference was hosted by the Museu das Migrações e das Comunidades (Museum of Migration and Communities) in Fafe, Portugal. The topic of the conference Refuge and Hosting – Paths towards Inclusion brought to the fore discussions on forced migration and displacement that have had a strong impact on migration since the 19thcentury and is imprinted in numerous aspects of…
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19. 10. 2022 0

Public lecture by Martina Bofulin

Martina Bofulin, a member of program group Heritage on the margins, has given a public lecture on the occasion of becoming an assistant professor at the ZRC SAZU Postgraduate school on the 18 May 2022. Her lecture titled “Strauss at the river Ou: emigration and local development in the eastern China” was presented before the…
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07. 06. 2022 0

International conference »Spaces and locations of migration«

Slovenian Migration Institute at ZRC SAZU was one of the co-organizers of the international conference »Spaces and locations of migration« taking place at the University of Vienna on June 11 and 12. The first chapter of the three-part conference aimed at rethinking the assumptions that are at the base of migration research and assessing the…
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07. 06. 2022 0

Lecture on Chinese migration in Southeast Europe at the University of Texas at Austin

Martina Bofulin gave a lecture at the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, titled »Migration from the People’s Republic of China to Slovenia: From restaurants to acquisitions«. The lecture was attended by scholars and students of the Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (CREEES) and focused on the last three decades of immigration…
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02. 04. 2022 0