Author: Nataša Rogelja Caf

Walking the borders: Between oblivion, memory and history of the Carinthian ravines

Walking seems so natural, commonplace, and such a widespread human activity that it gets little attention.[1] We walk to get somewhere. And yet, between here and there, thoughts, emotions and physical feelings (may) lead to their own kind of renewed notions of the world, a re-understanding that comes close, even if it goes far or…
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14. 04. 2021 0

Discussions on statue removal at ACHC 2020 and beyond

At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, another Earth-shattering event took place in 2020 – global unrest against racism under the “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) banner that erupted over the killing of George Floyd in the USA. This unrest was, among other reactions, characterized by extensive media coverage of statues being removed around the world…
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18. 09. 2020 0

Living with Šavrinka

When, one September evening in 1994, we met Mrs. Tonina Vidali in Škofije, a woman who had travelled to central Istria for eggs in the period between the world wars, we recorded our first interview on the topic of migrant women workers in Istria almost twenty years ago, and we were given a copy of…
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18. 09. 2020 0

Tin Can Stories

Založba ZRC has published the book titled Zgodbe iz konzerve. Zgodovine predelave in konzerviranja rib na severovzhodnem Jadranu [Tin Can Stories. Histories of Processing and Conservation of Fish in the Northeastern Adriatic]. The publication, fresh in form and content, albeit soaked with the smell of fish, is a result of multiple international and national-level projects and programmes, among…
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17. 09. 2020 0

Walking seminar 1 : Sečovlje – Škofije

In January 2020, within the frame of the »Heritage on the margins. New perspectives on heritage and identity within and beyond national« program group at ZRC SAZU, we undertook the first “walking seminar “- a type of ethnographic walk between the Secovlje and Spodnje Škofije. We loosely followed two marked trails – part of the…
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01. 09. 2020 0