Tag: walking seminar

Walking seminar infrastructural routes and Istria

From 7-9 May 2024 researchers of the Route Biographies project as well as several researchers from the Heritage on the Margins program walked/drove along selected sections of Drugi tir construction sites, we visited Risiera di San Sabba and the old port in Trieste and concluded our walk in Koper where we walking through the city…
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29. 08. 2024 0

Walking seminar along the northern section of the Balkan migrant route in Istria

From 12-15 September 2023 researchers of the Route Biographies project as well as several researchers from the Heritage on the Margins program walked part of the northern section of the Balkan migrant route through the Istrian peninsula. On this research walk, I often felt that I was walking on old-new paths, crossing old-new borders.  Neither…
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13. 12. 2023 0

Walking seminar: the valley of the rivers Dragonja and Rižana in Istria

Between March 30 and April 1, 2023, a three-day international walking seminar was held in Istria, in the valleys of the Dragonja and Rižana rivers, as part of the project Route biographies: walking and writing as methods for researching border regions (ARRS, J6-4611). Twelve participants took part. Ten participants from the Research Centre of the…
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11. 05. 2023 0

How and what to heritagise in a region “devoid” of heritage? A walking seminar through Veneto

In mid-September, I took part in the first walking seminar as a new member of the Heritage on the Margins programme group, which on this occasion took place at the westernmost edge of the Slovenian presence in present day Italy: in Venetian Slovenia. The aim of the two-day walk was to give the group members…
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22. 12. 2022 0

Through the heritage streets of Nova Gorica

How and why to heritagise in a young city? What temporal distance is necessary to critically evaluate the beginnings and the development of a new city? These questions arose as we drove along the silhouette of Kromberg Castle and the Church of the Holy Trinity through the industrial area, past the former large factories, the…
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15. 07. 2022 0

One or multiple heritages? A walking seminar through Goričko and Porabje

An autumn landscape filled with falling leaves. The vast hills of Goričko merging seamlessly into Porabje. On the first day of our fourth walking seminar, an exploratory hike through Goričko and Porabje, we started along the Slovenian-Austrian-Hungarian tri-border, observing how the same historical events can be labelled and understood differently. In the light of understanding…
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14. 12. 2021 0

Walking seminar 3: Trieste

Third walking seminar of the research group “Heritage on the Margins” was realized in Trieste, a city that the New York Times compared to a modernist novel – complex, layered and ambiguous. On the 4th June 2021, we entered the town through the Karst hinterland – stopping for a coffee in Opčine, visiting villages of…
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18. 06. 2021 0

Walking the borders: Between oblivion, memory and history of the Carinthian ravines

Walking seems so natural, commonplace, and such a widespread human activity that it gets little attention.[1] We walk to get somewhere. And yet, between here and there, thoughts, emotions and physical feelings (may) lead to their own kind of renewed notions of the world, a re-understanding that comes close, even if it goes far or…
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14. 04. 2021 0

Walking seminar 2 : Southern Carinthia

The team of the research programme Heritage on the Margins set off for a walking seminar on 8 and 9 September 2020. We visited Southern Carinthia, an Austrian borderland. The peculiarity and fatality of its geographical location was presented to us by Zdravko Haderlap, a well-known local and a versatile cultural worker. He is constantly…
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22. 09. 2020 0

Walking seminar 1 : Sečovlje – Škofije

In January 2020, within the frame of the »Heritage on the margins. New perspectives on heritage and identity within and beyond national« program group at ZRC SAZU, we undertook the first “walking seminar “- a type of ethnographic walk between the Secovlje and Spodnje Škofije. We loosely followed two marked trails – part of the…
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01. 09. 2020 0